Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Blondie Disclaimer

If you followed our China blog a few years back, you know that I have a little sense of humor when I write. I try to use my "filter" whenever possible, but sometimes it just needs to be written the way I see it. So I just want to put the "Blondie Disclaimer" on this blog. What is that? Basically I just hope I don't offend anyone when writing what I see. And not that I am trying to find humor in different cultures, it's just that things are definitely different around the world....and I like to just point those things out every once in a while. This is not my first trip half way around the world, and I have seen a lot....actually enough to realize how fortunate Americans are. Traffic is a great example. You think sitting on 90 East going to Chicago for 3 hours to go 13 miles is bad, try traffic that stops because there is a cow in the road. Well, welcome to India! This is a normal way of life.

And you think that you have seen crowds at the Taste of Chicago...that is everyday life in Delhi and other major cities around India. I was actually talking to my sister in law last night about how I am not looking forward to the masses of people...and she laughed and said "It almost feels like ants swarming from every direction towards you". I can't wait for that (You can probably hear my sarcasm all the way to Delhi).

I am sure Jas is rolling his eyes as he is reading this, but to his dismay I am actually excited about going. I am extremely excited about seeing where he grew up and finally meeting his extended family....and not to mention that I get to cross off another travel bucket list item...the Taj Mahal! And of course I can't forget to mention all of the food we will be sampling. I have been eating Indian food since Jas and I have been together, and have actually been very spoiled because his mom is such a wonderful cook, but he tells me that the food in India is a million times better. I don't know how that is possible, but I guess I can discover that for myself while we are there. We do need to be careful about what we eat, even Jas....but something tells me he is going to eat the street food and probably be sick once on our trip. I am going to avoid that like the plague because I refuse to get "Delhi Belly".

There is only one thing that is causing me major anxiety about our trip....and many of you know why...and that is Mia. She has traveled a lot for a 2 year old; been coast to coast, many places in between and has stamps on her passport from Mexico and Canada. So I have to say, she is usually a trooper when it comes to being confined to a car seat or on lock down in an airplane. So why am I worried? Well, she's two...enough said! She has a mind of her own these days and managed to slip away from us at Carson's a few weeks back. It's a difficult age, or at least she makes it look that way, but we have been preparing her for a few months now explaining that she can't run away and she has to stay in the stroller....which she hates! I pondered for weeks about buying one of those backpack leashes....I used to judge parents who had I am that parent. I finally broke down and ordered one and told Mia that it is her "special backpack" and it will help her walk in India. I know that people are going to stare, but I am scared out of my mind that she will slip away from us in a crowd and we will not find her. So easy...Mia will be on a leash!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you broke down and got the leash....this was one of my biggest worries now that Mia seems to like running.....


