Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Earthquakes, Cows & Jet Lag

Normally I am the one who has a hard time adjusting to the time change but for some reason I am ok and Jas and Mia are still adjusting.  So when it came time to go to sleep last night, guess who was wide awake. ...Miss Mia. She tossed and turned for about an hour and finally she crawled off the bed. I didn't stop her because I wanted to see what she was going to do in the dark at 1 am. She went over to her suitcase and rolled it over to the door. So I asked her where she was going and she said "momma I am going home now"! I felt so bad but we decided that the only wat to knock her out was to give her allergy meds.  Finally she started to calm down and the room started to shake! Was I really that exhausted that I was imagining the house vibrating?? I sat up and asked Jas if he felt it and he said yes, and went back to sleep. Then it happened again but stronger, and I vaguely remember that feeling and realized that it was an earthquake!  So I woke Jas again and asked him what it was and he said "it was a vibration,  go back to sleep".  Seriously!? But it was now about 2:30 am and I was exhausted,  so I dozed off. When we woke in the morning,  it was all over the news that an earthquake hit Delhi.  Not sure how strong it was, but it was nothing like what we experienced in China. That was the start to our day.
We had to get ready quickly because we had breakfast plans, but first we had to give mia a bath....she screamed bloody murder the whole time! I am not sure if she is enjoying her India experience so much! But once we we were in the car she seemed to perk up a bit and got really excited when we encountered our first cow in the road! I actually found it very amusing as well since the most we see is a deer or raccoon. 
I was able to skype with my dad this morning for about half hour and per his request, I took some pics of the house we are staying at and things we see while we were out and about. One pic you will see is of Jas's Masi getting her daily milk delivery. There is also a man that has a little station right outside the house and he irons the entire neighborhoods clothes! He was not there in the morning,  so I will try to get a pic of him tomorrow.  Another thing that I mentioned in an earlier post was about the air pollution.  All I have to say is that it is unbearable and it makes LA look clean. Its so bad that there is dust everywhere and the trees are even weighed down with dirt. No blue skies in Delhi! And the traffic!  Holy cow (literally! )As I am typing this blog up on my phone, we are stuck in bumper to rickshaw traffic! No order to the roads here and we actually sideswiped another car, but nobody stopped,  we just kept going!

1 comment:

  1. Earth quakes....not again...they seem to follow you and Jas on these exotic vacations....I agree with Mia time to come home...LOL..Love the up dates and photo's keep them coming..it is so interesting to hear what your experiencing every day.

