Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Going Back, Back to Delhi, Delhi

Since we have been in India it has been a non-stop adventure, and I almost feel like we have been living in our car. Yesterday we got back from Shimla and no sooner we right back in the car to see the Rock Garden.  It was already 3 in the afternoon and Mia still had not taken her nap, but I figured she could lay down in her stroller while we walked through the garden. When we got to the entrance the guards told us that it probably was not a good idea to bring the stroller in, but we figured it was manageable.  I just wanted Mia to nap so I could enjoy the garden and take pictures.  As we proceeded inside the ground was very bumpy and I was starting to see that having the stroller was not the best idea. But once we got to the first narrow passage I knew that Mia's stroller ride was over. The first few narrow passages we were able to lift it up and carry her through while people stared. Then we got to this small doorway, it almost looked like something out of Alice in Wonderland.  It was time to fold up the stroller and unleash the beast. Mia took off running like a horse out of the gate and kept tripping on the rocky path. I kept trying to slow her down and control her but it was no use, she was on a mission.  My biggest fear was that she would fall and hit her face on the rocks which would be disastrous. Midway through there was an open courtyard with camel and train rides. First we rode the train....big mistake.  The guy was whipping us around in circles blaring this obnoxious horn and the smoke coming out was toxic.  After that miserable experience we climbed up on a camel and took a few laps around the courtyard.  That was fun but that crazy guy on the train was whipping other people around and nearly missed the camel. At this point I was done with the rock garden but we still had to make our way out. I did manage to snap a few pictures of the interesting status which were all made out of recycled crockery, rocks and broken bangles.  Finally we found the exit and Jas carried Mia out kicking and screaming while the guards who told us not to bring the stroller watched. I am sure they got a good laugh at the Americans who wouldn't listen!
It was at that moment I started to feel a little home sick because I was exhausted, Mia was out of control and my stomach has been feeling a little funny. We stopped off at an outdoor shopping center and I had to use the washroom.  My mother in law went in first to check it out to make sure it was decent and she came back and said it was ok. I go down there and it wasn't the cleanest but when you gotta go you gotta go. I was second in line and all of a sudden this very large woman comes and cuts in front of everyone.  So I look at the lady in front of me who was only about 5 feet tall and she looked at me and smiled. I think we were both thinking the same thing, but she was too short and I had no idea how to tell this large woman that she needed to go to the back of the line. I was completely annoyed but what could I do. When another stall opened, the short woman insisted that I go first, and I kept saying no but she pushed me into the stall. Once I was in there I was regretting my bathroom decision....wet floors and a dirty toilet. I must have looked like a circus person with my jeans rolled up from the bottom, hovering over the toilet and trying to hold my purse! I will never complain about dirty bathrooms in the States again!
We ended our night at a nice restaurant but since my stomach was feeling a little off, Jas went out and got me a pizza and coke. We woke up early again this morning,  said our goodbyes to Jas's family and hit the road to Delhi. And goodbyes here are a little lengthy and sometimes involve giving gifts then resisting the gift. Well we caused quite the scene so early in the morning and all the neighbors came out to watch! Just when we thought we successfully got away without accepting the gift, Jas's aunt opened the car door, threw it in and slammed it so hard that someone could have lost a finger!
Now we are en-route to Delhi where we have one night of down time, then we hit the road again for Nainital.

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